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Ian PawelecIP
Case Studies                            

Evolution of Form


Brand Strategy / Editorial Design


Introduce the African tribal artwork category to an unfamiliar audience and drive new art market excitement.


Design Lead


Striking comparisons

Modern and contemporary masters from Picasso to Basquiat have drawn deep influence form African tribal artwork. The project's strategy was to leverage those connections to heighten the category’s relevance to modern and contemporary collectors (who had the largest buying appetite of any art category). The Evolution of Form auction would be held during 20th Century Week amongst blockbuster Impressionist and Contemporary Art sales. In effect the team would rebrand African tribal artwork to become an important staple in any serious patron’s collection.


A calculated repositioning

The African tribal category was transported beyond its standard academic presentation into a bold ‘of-the-moment’ context. The catalogue utilized an oversized format, ample white space, and stylized editorials to create an elevated look and feel much more synonymous with contemporary art. In addition, pieces where photographed against stark dramatic lighting positioning them more as master works of art than historically significant relics.


Visual storytelling

In addition to an abundance of clever art comparisons woven throughout essays on each work, modern masterpieces were set side by side against African tribal works in impactful full-spread illustrations to proclaim the category’s massive cultural significance.


Clean & contemporary

Unique brand lock-ups were designed for Evolution of Form to set the auction apart as a marquee event. The minimal, yet bold brand approach well positioned this sale of tribal work to garner much attention from collectors amongst a crowded art market landscape.


New art market heights

Through a dynamic re-branding and impactfully communicated content this project drew unprecedented awareness to African tribal artwork and ignited strong cross-category buying by key contemporary art collectors. The project bolstered record breaking sales for the works featured and has been cited as propelling the value and significance of African tribal artwork within the global art market.

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How a Brand Becomes an Icon

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As a design leader, my passion is uncovering transformative insights via continuous learning, research-driven strategy, and human centered design. For 15+ years I've created customer-centric brand visions to produce unique products that drive business results.

I‘m an avid art enthusiast, popular culture connoisseur, and hopeful futurist.
